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73mm/54mm Downhole pipe cutter

Downhole pipe cutter is used to cut oil pipes, drill pipes, casing, etc. The engineer operate the software to complete the cutting action at the specific task point in the well. Compared with the traditional method of blasting with explosives or corroding with chemicals, the cutter has a flat incision, complete cutting, no pollution. The workion is safe and reliable, the cutting range is controllable, and the loss of other materials is avoided.
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Tractor in the horizontal casing well has small diameter, serving as a dragging device when the logging tools go through the oil tube in the horizontal well. Instead of a drill pipe, it sends the logging equipment to the destination formation relying on its traction to complete the logging jobs. It saves cost and time.
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The tractor is a kind of tool to convey the downhole tools in the horizontal well and highly deviated well. When logging in the horizontal well and highly deviated well, if the downhole tools couldn’t down to the destination well section by its gravity, the tractor can convey the downhole tools to the right position by its power unit. Compare with the drill pipes transportation, it can save logging time, lighten the working strength of homework and reduce the risk of construction. And no need well derrick, can convey greater distance compare with the continuous pipeline transportation and with no influence by the well depth.
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